mix design

Our technical staff is able to satisfy all the demands of our customers to design any type of concrete mix.


Before the concrete mix is provided on site, must be prequalified in the Concrete Plants chosen by the Client for the supply. The planning of the mix design process follows a well-defined management procedures described in our Quality Manual Management ISO 9001:2008.


The design is in fact divided into 4 stages: Initial Review, Verification, Validation, and finally the Final Review. 

Beton Technology is related to the concrete plant supplier to achieve all approvals necessary for the design and data.

In addition to the prequalification of the mix at the batching plants, the mix design may be qualified also in our laboratory, with the help of our mixer.

Sede Legale ed Operativa:  Via Primo Maggio, 13 - 22042 San Fermo della Battaglia, frazione Cavallasca (CO) 

CF/P.IVA:  02976510137 - REA 288949 Registro Imprese Como.  Capitale Sociale € 11.000 i.v.

PEC & Web mail:  info@pec.betontechnology.it   -   info@betontechnology.it